It is important that your personal account details are up to date so we can keep in contact with you. Please follow the steps below to change your details.
Change your billing address
To change your billing address, simply sign into ‘My Account’ and click on ‘Change details’ followed by ‘Change billing address’.
Please note that the credit/debit card you are using must be registered to your billing address.
Change your contact number, email address, password and marketing preferences
Stay updated with all the latest information from us, including important information about your account and the latest releases by keeping your contact details up to date.
To amend your contact number, email address or change your password, follow these steps:
- Log into 'My Account' using your email address or customer number and password.
- Select 'Change Details' from the menu on the left-hand side.
- Then choose to change your 'contact details' or 'sign in details' from the menu.
- Once you have updated your details, click on ‘save changes’ on the right-hand side to save them to your account.
Change your name
To change your name you will need to contact us, the quickest way to do this is to chat with one of the team.
You will need to confirm the reason for the name change. If it’s a change of name by Deed Poll, we will require a copy of the Deed Poll certificate to be scanned to us. Please email this to us at along with the following details:
- Your full new name and title
- Your previous full name
- The email address registered to your account or your account number
- The first line of your billing address
Add an alternative delivery address
To add or amend an existing alternative delivery address, follow these steps:
- Log in to 'My Account' using your email address or customer number and password.
- Select the ‘Delivery Address’ option from the menu on the left-hand side.
- Here you will be able to add up to five addresses to your account.
You can also add an additional delivery address at the checkout stage when placing an order.
Please note that when you add an additional delivery address to your account you will be asked to authenticate the new address against your billing address by entering your credit card details (the credit/debit card must be registered to your billing address).
*For contact charges contact your service provider.